Saturday, February 4, 2012

Rainbow Dogs

These cutie pie Poodles were at the park today rehearsing to be the 
"Flower Dogs" in an upcoming wedding. 
It appeared they were loving all the attention they were getting!
I couldn't pass up the opportunity to snap a few photos of this
colorful rainbow sight!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

My love/hate Relationship with Exercise

Today was a work out day for me. BLAHHH. I know I need it. I know I feel better afterwards....
I hate the pain, I love the results. 

It's just that initial get-up-and-get-your-butt-moving that I struggle with.
Oh how I wish there was that little magic pill that would miraculously melt the fat off my body, give me energy and tone my muscles.

Well, I haven't found that pill yet but I have discovered a pretty cool iPhone app that has really been helping me through my cardio workouts. It's called "Couch to 5K" by Vitastone. I NEED someone to tell me what to do and this app provides me with my own virtual trainer who tells me when it's time to walk and when to jog. The best part is that I can add my own music to play along with the program.
Basically, it is designed to get someone ready for a 5k in 9 weeks with 3 workouts/week.
It rewards you with a ribbon and charts your progress as you go.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

That Precious Smell, Look & Feel of a Newborn Baby

There is nothing sweeter than a newborn baby! Combine that sweetness with my passion for photography and I am one-happy-momma!
I am a photographer....for fun.
I actually prefer to call myself a 
"Photojournalist of Life".
It is not my job but simply a hobby that fills me with a great
sense of accomplishment, pride and joy.
I have four sons so when a friend of mine brought over her precious
new bundle of joy for this photo shoot, I was THRILLED to
play dress-up with this sweet baby girl.

You can follow my work on Facebook at:

Monday, January 16, 2012

Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2012

I was out and about taking pictures in the neighborhood today. It gives me such a good feeling to see all the American flags displayed on our street. 
Proud to be an American!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The College Child's Conversation

Cody is finally off to college...
I made the drive home (and have finally stopped crying by this point). Two hours passed. I asked my husband if it was too early too call.
I finally couldn't hold it back any longer and called at 7:30pm that night.
No answer. Of course I left a message for him to call me right back.

Here's the sequence of text messages that followed:

7:39pm ME: "Are you settled in ok??
                       Can't reach you! Call me!"

I wait by the phone.........

12:17am CODY: "I'm all good! Thank you."

12:18am ME: "What took so long?!?
                         I've been worried sick!"

12:19am CODY: "Sorry, Mother. I fell asleep!"

12:20am ME: "I kept picturing you home all alone
                        in a scary dorm room.....
                        It was like something out of a horror movie!"

12:20am CODY: "Let some bad guy touch me, see what happens!"

12:21am ME: "Then dad said maybe you were in the shower.
                         That made things WORSE because now I was imagining
                         the Psycho movie killer scene!

                        "Is there a horror movie about a few stray students
                         alone in the dorms during Christmas break?
                         Sounds good...I would watch it."

12:22am CODY: "Hahaha. Goodnight, Mother. I love you.
                             No serial killers here.
                             I'll talk to you tomorrow."

12:23am ME: "Well, I didn't mean to scare you but now you know
                         what kinds of things mamas have to worry about.
                         Sweet dreams.
                         I'm going to take my anti-anxiety pill and go to bed now.
                         Love you more!"

I finally went to bed.....

The next day his text was to ask for a money transfer....sighhh

Welcome to life as a college-students-mother!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The College Send-Off

So, here it is a brand new year and my 2nd to oldest son is going back to college for the spring semester. Granted, we had already gone through the whole 'going off to live in the college dorms as a freshman' ritual, but he ended up having to take a medical withdrawal and leave school due to unexpected surgeries. He came home mid-semester, endured his surgeries and was ready to tackle the world again in 2012. I admire his tenacity. He would go back to college even if it was going to be on crutches, in a brace, with an unhealed wound with fresh stitches- and no tendon to speak of in his left knee. (I'll share THAT whole story later).

Now, it was time for take two.
I thought I was ready for this. We took the going-back-to-school shopping trip to stock up on whatever it is that is important for an 18 year old boy to have at school. He was packed. His classes were set. His dorm was assigned.
On Sunday my husband and I loaded up the truck and drove the two hours to what was to be Cody's home for the next several months. It was very quiet on the campus. Classes would not start until Wednesday so many people were still out on Winter break.
It took all of fifteen minutes to move Cody's college 'stuff' into his new room. We took a double look inside the truck to make sure he had everything. He did, of course (I was stalling at this point).
I asked him and his dad to turn so I could snap a picture of them standing out front of his dorm. Then I handed the camera off to my younger son to capture this goodbye moment between me, Cody and Dad.

I broke down, grabbed my baby (even though he is almost a foot taller than me) and BALLED my eyes out! Believe me when I say, I did NOT see this coming. The water just started pouring out of my eyes until I was practically hyperventilating. This was ridiculous, I know.
PULL IT TOGETHER. (I tend to talk to myself a lot when I'm overly emotional).
It seems like every emotion that I had been bottling up just came to the surface. I could not believe that I was going to leave my poor (not physically well) son all alone in a city by himself! I would not be able to monitor his stitches or healing. I would not be able to slow him down or keep him off his leg.
I wouldn't be able to "Mother" him. And this made me sad (for lack of a better word).
Am I a bad mom? He is not yet healed but HE wanted to go back to college. He got the doctors okay. I understand his feelings but CAN"T understand mine!
Anyway, I hugged him tight one last time, got in the truck, looked back over my shoulder as we pulled away. He waved at the door....and the water works started again. BAD. You know the kind of cry where you can't breath? Yep, that was me. My poor husband. He drove. And squeezed my hand and reassured me that Cody would be just fine. You know, he said all the things he was suppose to say. But, I just put on my sunglasses and silently cried for at least 30 miles or more.
I got home and his room was empty. I cried again.
Boy, in writing I really sound like a big cry baby. I'm not, really. 2012 is just off to a rocky emotional start for me. Was it too early to call and check on him? Yes, of course it was. I don't want to be that kind of 'helicopter' mom. I waited. It almost killed me.